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Role of Honesty and deception

The information and communication nowadays is so advanced and highly developed, people will get all the information easily via many ways.

People used the advances to present and show their works to the world including architecture.

What do you think about honesty and deception in architecture today?

For John Ruskin, we should honest to the building by using the right materials.

An honest building is defined as a building that doesn't hide its flaws under decorative notions. Wood doesn't pretend to be stone, and windows are windows, nothing more.

But what is the role of honesty and deception today?

Actually I am pretty agreed with John Ruskin that he talking about the materials should not pretend in others.


In 21 century, people start to talk about the green and recycle. For me, this is important and excited because this is kind of honest to building and environment.

The architecture even more concentrate, motivate and support in the green building.

In this the building designed by Dr, Ken Yeang. He is also popularly known in Malaysia who is the first architect who start to involve in green building.

You can barely see any decorative elements from the exterior if this building. There is also no additional wall finishes, not even painting.

The building material took a important part to being a green building. One if the reasons all of the building material is considered as the regional material that transport to site within 500 kilometres from the site.

They are also reuse the materials from the existing buildings that have been demolished.

The materials they have reused is concrete block and re-bars from the existing building.

The concrete blocks used as the material for the bioswales under the building.

The re-bars have been used as the hand railing.

This is what I thought for the role of honesty of architecture today.

People accept the origin of material such as bare concrete wall with simple cement render. There is also a lot of design with bare brick walls without any finishes.


Instead of deception, I am good with the new technology we have today bring us the convenience and better life.

Besides of the ornament, the deception of architecture today I would say the functionality of the building. Compared to the old days, the buildings design nowadays just did not serve the people with their needs.

The space quality is the biggest deception that I thought for the design these days.

The space quality is important everyone of us in different types of building we have today.

The good space quality will increase the comfortable of people.

Besides of the space quality, the biggest deception in architecture of today is the relationship between environment and the buildings. We have to find a balance that could have a healthy living quality by having a good environment with greenery.

Most of the cities facing the problem in lacking of vegetation. That is the reason a lot of green buildings and recycle ideas start to build up and think of to improve the relationship between buildings and environment.

This also why I think we should honest to the materials, especially using natural materials to improve our living quality with architecture method.

Forth text

If there is the forth text in this chapter. The argument that would be about today's architecture in relation to honesty and deception is the space quality.

We have to working on the request of people and understand what is the things that people really want and need from us.

In architecture word, we should not wasting the unnecessary spaces or manpower to create a building or a simple pathway.

The really need of people is about convenience but not the good looking of it.

As a designer, we should really think about it and try to figure out.

Design is about to solve the problem but not to create the problem.



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