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What is the role of proportion & organization in architecture today? Are proportion & organization necessary for human habitation & functioning are they compositional strategies of drawing and design, some combination of these; or something else?

In architecture, proportions and organizations are the important keys to design a building and these important keys are being used through the architecture in the past which in old era it use fully of geometry and proportion nicely. It from different era has different kind of standard that are revolution on human needs of space. And so, different proportioning systems and organization principles have been used to design the standard. In architecture today, proportion and organization plays just an important role compared to the past, it must consider many thing by applying this 2 terms because it being the basic consideration when designing a building.” No less lyrical but rather more explosive” by Le Corbusier.

Proportion and organization truly relative and requires the architect to understand the interactions between objects within a space. The way we build our environment is based on the commonly known anthropometric data of human scale.

From these 2 photos, it can see the old buildings that are both of them used rectangular geometrical floor plan as a base. Savoye House is an asymmetry while Villa Capra is in symmetry. But their way in planning, use of space, choice of material and proportion or organization are different.

Savoye House : Create with free façade and free standing columns. It functional space come first than it follow by the column position in the open floor plan. Roll of window is used and has a roof garden on top.

Villa Capra : A floor plan with load bearing wall as main structural system. Whole building is divided into three floors horizontally, is in symmetry design.​

Proportion is the relationship of thing with comparative size, number or degree based on mathematic calculation and balance in symmetry. Proportion provides creation for useful spaces, for designing structural systems, and for creating an aesthetically pleasing environment.

Organization is spatial arrangement to determine the separation or connection between similar or different use of space. Organization is important because it links spaces together and create different kind of relationships between spaces to let human feel more comfort and circulation is in good design. Spaces are create for many reasons.

Riverside Clubhouse, China / Trace Architecture Office :

The design therefore takes Mies’ Farnsworth as a prototype concept and creates a new form. Well design based on the proportion and organisation, some free plan , free façade and flat roof as extension of landscape.

Flat roof as extension of landscape :

The circulation was design based on organisation of every spaces and columns position which the building is proportional with space. It also responding to the horizontal feature of surrounding landscape and trees in site, the building is made into a linear and folded form.

In conclusion, I still think that propotion and organization play an important role in architecture today, maybe it just apply on different way of design. By designing , it also must consider of site context ,human behaviour and so on to ensure that the buildings are relate back to the propotion and organization system to create beautiful space and meaningful.



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